My first go at capturing the moon! I took this image a while ago and you may have seen it on my social media but I haven't done a blog post about it yet. As it was my first time, I found it difficult because I didn't have a tripod as it broke. (Don't buy a cheap tripod!!) So without the tripod, I didn't have the stability to capture the moon perfectly. I used my 75-300mm lens which I rarely use and thought it would be the best time to use it. But it didn't zoom in enough so I couldn't get a bigger and better picture of the moon. But yet it still looks amazing. As it was my first go, I am proud of it and definitely recommend you guys to try it out and see how you get on with it. I have seen loads of amazing pictures and wanted to try it and although it doesn't look as good, I love it and proud of it. This is my best picture of the moon and luckily it came out clear and was in focus!